At a time of global economic uncertainty and in the middle of a Canadian federal election, the Canadian Association of Regulated Importers (CARI) appreciates and supports the decision made by the Government of Canada to push for the completion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. On balance, this agreement provides a much needed boost to international trade, providing opportunities for all twelve countries while putting in place a framework and platform for future international cooperation. CARI supports the key roll Canada played in this achievement.
Reaching an agreement while maintaining the three pillars of supply management provides our members stability and encourages investment in their business. By strategically managing the additional import access, CARI members will be able to continue their role as suppliers of key poultry and egg products needed by the Canadian consumer.
Our members also appreciate proposed actions at the border for fowl and sauce packets which CARI supports and has promoted as a means of strengthening the import pillar. We look forward to continuing our work with the Government to capture the benefits of the TPP and deliver results for the Canadian economy, Canadians and consumers
For further information, please contact:
Robert G. de Valk, Executive secretary